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Training & Research

Training & Research is the backbone for any company. We, at Singh24 Safety & Security Serviceshave been concentrating on training and research for the past few years.

Training Types are as under:
  • Initial Training - As per NSQF (National Skill Qualification Framework) and PSARA Guidelines for different level and different trades. We use job role and NOS prepared by Sector Councils of Govt. of India.
  • Induction Program - 2 to 7 days as per requirement
  • Refresher Program
  • Multi - Skill Program
  • Re-Skill Program
  • Supervisor's Training
  • Managing Director's Training
  • Motivational and Team Building Series of Short Term Training on regular basis
  • Specialized Training for Quality Circle as per the guidelines of Quality Circle Forum of India
Research Areas are as under:
  • On Training Methodology
  • On Training Content
  • Training Methodology for slow learner
  • Training content for areas, for which job role has not been made
  • Re-Skill Program
  • Supervisor's Training
  • Training Capsule for Jr. Manager, Middle Manager & Higher Middle Manager
  • Many other areas where focus is need away from laid down process